1. Long, Hot, Steamy Showers
Who doesn’t love a long, luxurious, hot, steamy shower? But did you know it causes damage to your hair? Just like skin, hot water dehydrates hair putting it on the path to dry, brittle and breakage. While your hair’s protective oils are going the drain your scalp is going into over drive to make-up for the oil loss. This can lead to damage to the root and more thinning.
Solution: A warm shower with a cool water rinse for your hair is recommended.
2. Hair Dryers
The hot setting on your hair dryer may get your hair dried quicker, but overall it’s not doing you any favors. The high setting can damage proteins and the protective cuticle of your hair. Cuticle damage causes moisture imbalance which leads to breakage.
Solution: When drying your hair, use the warm / middle setting first and then switch to the cool/low to cool-down your hair as you style.
3. Diet
Everyone thinks they need to lose a few pounds, but did you know crash dieting can hurt your hair? Crash dieting puts the body into starvation mode. This forces the body to direct its energy towards essential bodily functions such as your heart, breathing and brain and away from secondary functions such as growing hair.
Solution: A healthy diet with lean protein like fish, chicken, lentils and beans will help urge hair growth. Aim for 46 grams per day (or about 25 to 30% of your total calories).
4. Brushing Hair Just After Showering / Towel Drying Hair
Hair is most fragile after if it’s been saturated with water as the protective cuticle is slightly raised. Brushing or combing in the shower, then following with aggressive towel-drying, create the perfect storm for snapping it off.
Solution: Minimize post-shower brushing by combing before hair gets wet. Then, blot (don’t rub) hair with a soft towel after your shower.
5. Too Tight Ponytail
We admit it – everyone has a bad hair day now and then. But a too tight ponytail places excessive tension on hair follicles causing damage. If it’s pulling on your skin, it’s way too tight.
Solution: Try wearing your hair down whenever possible (especially while sleeping; rolling around on a pillow can create even more friction). When you do tie your strands back, keep it soft.
6. Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer
We all know about skin damage due to sun, but less frequently is what the sun can do to your hair. Your hair is exposed to UV rays, which eat away at the strength and elasticity of your hair.
Solution: Use products that help filter UV rays. For long days at the beach or ballpark, wear a hat for added protection.
Who doesn’t love a long, luxurious, hot, steamy shower? But did you know it causes damage to your hair? Just like skin, hot water dehydrates hair putting it on the path to dry, brittle and breakage. While your hair’s protective oils are going the drain your scalp is going into over drive to make-up for the oil loss. This can lead to damage to the root and more thinning.
Solution: A warm shower with a cool water rinse for your hair is recommended.
2. Hair Dryers
The hot setting on your hair dryer may get your hair dried quicker, but overall it’s not doing you any favors. The high setting can damage proteins and the protective cuticle of your hair. Cuticle damage causes moisture imbalance which leads to breakage.
Solution: When drying your hair, use the warm / middle setting first and then switch to the cool/low to cool-down your hair as you style.
3. Diet
Everyone thinks they need to lose a few pounds, but did you know crash dieting can hurt your hair? Crash dieting puts the body into starvation mode. This forces the body to direct its energy towards essential bodily functions such as your heart, breathing and brain and away from secondary functions such as growing hair.
Solution: A healthy diet with lean protein like fish, chicken, lentils and beans will help urge hair growth. Aim for 46 grams per day (or about 25 to 30% of your total calories).
4. Brushing Hair Just After Showering / Towel Drying Hair
Hair is most fragile after if it’s been saturated with water as the protective cuticle is slightly raised. Brushing or combing in the shower, then following with aggressive towel-drying, create the perfect storm for snapping it off.
Solution: Minimize post-shower brushing by combing before hair gets wet. Then, blot (don’t rub) hair with a soft towel after your shower.
5. Too Tight Ponytail
We admit it – everyone has a bad hair day now and then. But a too tight ponytail places excessive tension on hair follicles causing damage. If it’s pulling on your skin, it’s way too tight.
Solution: Try wearing your hair down whenever possible (especially while sleeping; rolling around on a pillow can create even more friction). When you do tie your strands back, keep it soft.
6. Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer
We all know about skin damage due to sun, but less frequently is what the sun can do to your hair. Your hair is exposed to UV rays, which eat away at the strength and elasticity of your hair.
Solution: Use products that help filter UV rays. For long days at the beach or ballpark, wear a hat for added protection.